If you feel that you received an unwanted email message from one of our clients and you are positive that you did not request or opt-in for that message, please send a complete copy of the message you received to our support department at support@mediaiq.net
You must send us a complete copy of the message including header in order for us to help you.
REPEAT: You must send us a complete copy of the message you received in order for us to help you.
Sending a "remove me" message or other non-specific message without any supporting material will not cause you to be removed from a list. That's no different than telling a doctor you don't feel good and you don't provide him/her with any details. It's impossible to fix a problem when we don't know the actual cause. So please send a complete copy of the message that you are referring to.
We have an extremely strict policy on opt-in compliance so any information you submit will help us determine the actions we should take against the person sending the message.
Please note that the best way to unsubscribe from a mailing list is to simply contact the list owner. This information is always noted in documents sent from this service.
The worst way to unsubscribe from a mailing list is to send a "remove me" email to our abuse department. If you submit such a message with no supporting material (e.g., the message you received), we can not guarantee you will be removed as we will not know where the message came from, who sent it, when, or if it even was from a client on our service.
Always attempt to contact the list owner first. If you do not know who the list owner is, ask us and we will gladly tell you.
Global IntelliSystems is one of the strongest anti-spam firms on the Internet so if you ever feel you received an unsolicited message from a client of ours, please let us know so we can continue to maintain the highest level of service to our clients.